About Us

WAG is the association of school governing bodies in Worcestershire, it was formed after an inaugural meeting in October 1997 at Pitmaston House which was addressed by Julien Kramer as one of his first engagements as the newly appointed Director of Education. The creation of WAG was a natural progression following the successful formation of various district associations for school governors and this creation of WAG along with its constitution was finalised in 1998.

WAG is part of a nationwide network of governing bodies through membership of the National Governors? Association.(For information the National Governors’ Council and the National Association of School Governors merged on 15 Feb 2006 to form the National Governors’ Association.)

Membership of WAG is open to all governing bodies of State funded schools in Worcestershire. Membership is normally obtained by the opt-in tick box on the Service Level Agreement which is returned to the LA who then pay the subscription to WAG. The current subscrition is ?20 per? governing body. With the introduction of Babcockprime this arrangement will change.

Governing body membership of WAG carries with individual governor membership. Governing bodies of non-subscribing schools can join WAG on direct payment of the above detailed subscription.

WAG is an independent non-political organisation

Please do not confuse WAG with Governor Services, the central service for the? support and training of governors which is part of the Local Authority’s/ Babcockprime?School Improvement and Achievement Service.

WAG represents the independent voice for Worcestershire’s school governors

The aims of WAG are:

  • to assist governing bodies in protecting and promoting education in Worcestershire schools
  • to encourage and, where possible, to facilitate communication between governing bodies in Worcestershire
  • to provide a vehicle for expressing and representing the collective views of governors and governing bodies in Worcestershire
  • to further good working relationships between governing bodies and the LA, and other relevant bodies
  • to maintain affiliation to the National Governors? Association and with other relevant national organisations
  • to liaise with the LA on key issues in education and in the provision of governor training

How Does WAG Operate?

Governors in membership are entitled to attend general meetings and are eligible to be members of the Executive Committee of WAG.

Governing bodies are directly represented by attendance at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The Executive Committee is elected by the AGM to further the interest of the Association between general meetings.

Each of the following District Council areas can have a maximum of four representatives:

  • Bromsgrove
  • Malvern
  • Redditch
  • Worcester City
  • Wychavon
  • Wyre Forrest

In the absence of nominations from the governing bodies of the District Council areas the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies by co-option.

The officers of WAG are elected by and from the Executive Committee

The General Meeting normally meets once a year, but special General Meetings may be called to deal with urgent issues

The Activities of WAG:

WAG is recognised by the LA as a formal channel for collective consultation with governors. The Executive is in regular contact with LA officers


WAG has representatives on LA consultative groups and working parties and plays a leading role in a number of the key committees. These representatives feed back information to the WAG Executive on a regular basis. The ‘ Reports Back ‘ are part to the Minutes of the Executive meetings

The key committee is:

  • The Worcestershire Schools Forum

Action is currently taking place to extend this list to include all other relevant committees or working groups.

WAG provides a forum for issues of common concern and makes representations about them to the LA, to Government and to other appropriate bodies. It takes a full part in national consultations in association with the National Governors? Association


WAG manages its own website which is regularly updated and contains information / cross-referencing on nearly all current educational issues.

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