Please find below our adopted?constitution:
WAG Constitution May 2012
1. Title
1.1. The name of the Association shall be the Worcestershire Association of Governors (hereinafter referred to as ‘WAG’).
2. Aims
2.1. To assist governors and governing bodies in protecting and promoting education in Worcestershire schools;
2.2. To encourage and facilitate communication between governing bodies
2.3. To represent the collective views of governors and governing bodies in Worcestershire;
2.4. To further good working relationships between governing bodies, the Local Authority (LA), and other relevant bodies;
2.5. To co-operate with and affiliate to such other bodies in the education field as the Executive Committee deems appropriate.
2.6. To provide a formal channel of communication with the LA and a mechanism for consultation and/or negotiation on all policies and procedures relevant to education and school governance.
3. Membership
3.1. Membership shall be open corporately to governing bodies of all state funded schools in Worcestershire.
3.2. Individual governors shall be members of WAG by virtue of being members of a governing body in membership of WAG.
3.3. WAG will maintain an up to date list of governing bodies in membership.
4. Subscription
4.1. The annual subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting and shall become due on 1st April each year.
5. The Executive Committee
5.1. The Executive Committee shall consist of four representatives nominated from each of the six District Council areas of Worcestershire. The Executive Committee is empowered to fill vacancies within its number by invitation from within the membership as a whole, having regard to the area in which the vacancy occurs and the balance of school types represented overall.
5.2. Governors in membership of WAG, other than serving Headteachers in Worcestershire and current elected members of Worcestershire County Council, shall be eligible to be nominated to membership of the WAG Executive Committee.
5.3. The Executive Committee shall carry out the business of WAG between Annual General Meetings.
5.4. At its first meeting after the AGM the Executive Committee shall elect the WAG Chairman, Vice-chairman, and Secretary who shall be the Officers of WAG. The Chairman and the Vice-chairman must be elected from members of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer and Secretary need not be.
5.5. The Executive Committee quorum shall be six members (excluding the Secretary and the Treasurer, if they are appointed from outside the Executive Committee).
5.6. The Executive Committee may establish such other sub-committees as it considers appropriate.
5.7. The Executive Committee may appoint such associate members as it deems necessary to serve on the Executive Committee and/or sub-committees. Associate members are persons interested in contributing to the work of the WAG. They may be appointed for a period between one and four years and can be reappointed at the end of their agreed term of office. They may be removed from office by the Executive Committee at any time. Unless otherwise stated, associate members will enjoy full voting rights, except on any matter concerning the election or appointment of WAG officers, or the budget and/or financial commitments of WAG.
6. Finance
6.1 WAG shall maintain its own bank / building society accounts. All cheques, withdrawals or other cash movements shall require the signed authorisation of at least two Officers, one of whom must be the Treasurer.
6.2 All monies shall be applied to further the aims of the Association.
6.3 The financial year will be from 1st April to 31st March following.
6.4 An annual financial statement, approved by a competent person from outside the Executive Committee, shall be presented to the next AGM following the end of the financial year.
7. General Meetings
7.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held on or before 31st May at which motions submitted either by the Executive Committee or other members will be considered, such motions to be received by the Secretary not less than 6 weeks before the AGM.
7.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called, either by the Executive Committee or at the request of ten or more governing bodies, of which four weeks notice must be given. At an EGM no item of business shall be taken other than that for which the meeting has been called.
7.3 The quorum at the AGM, or any EGM, shall be representatives from not less than 5% of the total number of schools within membership of WAG. Each representative at the AGM or an EGM shall have one vote and decisions shall be made by a simple majority of those present and voting. In the event of a tie the motion shall be treated as ?Not carried?.
7.4 The agenda for the AGM shall be drawn up by the Executive Committee and must include, in addition to normal AGM business, any motions from members submitted in due time. The agenda shall be sent out not less than four weeks prior to the meeting to all schools in membership of WAG.
7.5 Attendance at an AGM or EGM shall be limited to governors of schools currently in memebership of WAG.
7.6 When deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee, speakers from outside agencies may be invited to address members at general meetings on specific matters relevant to the interests of WAG
8. WAG Representation
8.1 The Executive Committee shall nominate representatives to such local authority or other consultative committees in which WAG is called upon to serve.
9. Alterations to the Constitution
9.1 Alterations to the constitution shall require approval by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at the AGM or an EGM. .
10. Dissolution
10.1 If the Executive Committee decides by a simple majority to propose the dissolution of WAG, it shall call an EGM for the purpose, giving not less than 4 weeks notice. If two thirds of those present and voting agree, WAG shall be dissolved. If the special general meeting is not quorate, a further meeting shall be called not less than one calendar month after the first. If that second meeting is not quorate, WAG shall be deemed to be dissolved. Any assets shall be transferred to such other non-profit making body having aims similar to those of WAG, as the Executive Committee shall determine.
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