On Thursday 20th September 2012 WAG hosted it’s first networking event of a new era.? Malcolm Richards, addressed the attendees sharing a vision for WAG.? He?reinforced the need for a vibrant, more-focused WAG and announced a recruitment drive for members to join the executive as there are vacancies in the represented?districts.? During the presentation there was a ten minute breakout session where governors discussed how they felt WAG?could further?meet their needs and requirements.
Following this Martin Allen, Head of Governor Services presented “Role of Governor Services and Guidance on the new Instrument of Governance Regulations” that came?into force on 1st September 2012.? The new regulations are only applicable should governing bodies wish to change their instrument of government.? It is not compulsory unless a school changes its name or ceases to be a maintained or voluntary aided school.? This was emphasised during ensuing dialogue.
To view the full document click New statutory instruments Sep 2012
Martin also highlighted important variations in the new Ofsted (2012) Inspection Framework – Subsidiary guidance, released week beginning 10th September 2012.
Click?here for Ofsted subsidiary guidance September 2012
Attendees then availed themselves of refreshment, wine and?snacks courtesy of the Association.
The concluding session of the evening was a joint session with Martin?and?Andrew Frapwell on national updates – which included a brief overview of the new Teachers’ Standards (September 2012) and the National Curriculum proposals for 2014.
Some very useful feedback was given by attendees which will be analysed and disseminated and serve to inform future events for members.
Some post event comments (21st September):
“I just wanted to say thanks for the meeting last night.”
“I?ve had information overload, and didn?t really know what WAG was, so I found the event last night extremely useful ? particularly in clarifying the relationship with Governor Services.”
“During the last year I have wavered between simply wanting to walk away from the whole situation, and wanting to stay put and be part of putting it all right, and I have now been re-inspired, knowing that there is support available if needed.”
“These are practical things I can take back to my governors and we can get to work on straight away.”
“It is clear to me that Gov Services cannot meet all of our needs. They can inform us of policy developments and even give us their steer on it. They can train us, and they can even advise us on new Governor appointments. But they do have a foot in both our camp and that of the LEA”
A heartfelt thank you from the Chair wishing attendees a safe journey home concluded the very successful evening.
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