Networking event 6th December 2012

On Tuesday 6th December 2012,?WAG held it’s second networking event of the Autumn term.? The event was very well supported?with?40 governors in attendance.


The evening began with the Malcolm Richards sharing the feedback from?our September networking event.? The central?aspect imparted was our communication.? We have begun to develop our own governor contact database and the website has been used to post news items and links to documents and other useful websites supporting our activities.? The WAG Chair finished with a key question following up a suggestion from the September event: “How many of you have made WAG a standing agenda item on your governing body agendas?”

Chairs of Governors? Leadership Development Programme (CGLDP):

Martin Allen, Head of Governor Services?disseminated information about the National College for School Leadership (and partners)? led CGLDP.? Worcestershire Governor Services are supporting one of the partners – Edge Hill University.? The CGLDP?provides opportunities for chairs to develop their leadership skills through facilitated workshops, online activities, personal reflection and school-based learning.? With school improvement as a key theme across the programme, each unit of the programme focuses on an essential element of being an effective chair.

  • The role of the chair, the leader
  • Leading the governing body and effective governance
  • Leading change and continuous improvement

Please click?here?for further information about this programme

Ofsted and the Outstanding Governance Club:

In the open forum?two Chairs of Governors shared their recent Ofsted (2012) experiences.??Despite Ofsted again ‘raising the bar’ and increasing their expectations of Leadership and Governance?in Schools, South Bromsgrove and Chadsgrove School managed to achieve ‘outstanding’ ratings.? A special thanks to Dr Mike Cooper?of South Bromsgrove and?Oliver Cook of Chadsgrove School for?their ‘presentations’.

Governor Self Review?documents:

The following key documentation?has kindly been shared by Dr Mike Cooper and was?used by?South Bromsgrove?to demonstrate to the inspection team due diligence in carrying out the governing body’s role:

1. Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS)?Governing Body Example Skills Matrix. Example SFVS skills matrix? To read more about the SFVS please click here

2. South Bromsgrove SFVS.? South Bromsgrove SFVS Governor Matrix

3. National Strategies – Self Review Matrix.? National Strategies Self assessment for Governors 2009

4. South Bromsgove Governor Self Review and Development Form?South Bromsgrove Governor Self Review and Development Form 0712

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