WAG Diary Dates

2013 Diary dates:

?What ? day and date?

What Meeting?


Have I confirmed / sent apologies?

Wed 20/03/2013

WAG Networking

The Stables, ? Wychbold

Tue 16/04/2013

WAG Executive*

The Stables, ? Wychbold

Wed 05/06/2013

WAG Networking ? followed by WAG AGM

County Hall, ? Worcester

Tue 09/07/2013

WAG Executive*

The Stables, ? Wychbold

Tue 24/09/2013

WAG Networking

Kidderminster TBC

Wed 02/10/2013

WAG Executive*

The Stables, ? Wychbold

* For executive members only ? please contact chair@waguk.org should you be interested in becoming a member

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