Worcs Schools Forum (WSF) discusses the outcomes of the DfE review into fairer funding


For those avid WSF observers amongst you, you know that the meeting originally scheduled for 2nd May was postponed to 20th June. Principally because the new formula at the heart of the Government?s fairer funding initiative has such an impact on school funding that it was pointless to speculate about the future without seeing the results of the DfE?s review.

In the event, the review offered some key concessions.

  • The flexibility to set a different Lump Sum for Primary, Middle and Secondary phases.
  • A Sparsity Factor
  • Limited Falling Rolls Protection

It?s a credit to the many voices from governor and school colleagues who have given their time to write to councillors and MPs, to respond to consultations and speak out at numerous meetings that these concessions have come about.

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